Sunday Service at 11 A.M. weekly
Grief Support
Pastor Paul Leininger
Hello, I am Pastor Paul Leininger. I have been married to Tina for 29 years and am a father to twins Bobby and Heaven, who are 24 years old.
I am a brother and was a son, but my most important title and role is that of a follower of Jesus Christ. People who were important in my life challenged me to come and see how their lives and others had changed. Then I heard the call, “Follow me.”
Since that time, God has been preparing me for ministry. I have never been to seminary or a Bible college, but I have been a student of His Word. I have served as a Deacon, a Trustee, a Sunday school teacher and director, youth leader, and ultimately pulpit supply. I did this for 2 years at Elyria Baptist Church prior to being called to Crossroads, A Baptist Congregation, to serve in that same way.
I believe God is good because I am proof of it. I was someone going his own way and sinking, yet He reached out and saved me. He showed me forgiveness, love, mercy, and grace – and His desire to touch and change my life.
By sacrificing His Son Jesus Christ, who died on the cross for my sins, God has changed my life. He can and wants to do the same for others searching for the Way, the Truth, and the Life.